Acupressure (Tuina)

Acupressure uses fingers, palms or elbows, or with various devices to clear blockages in body meridians.

Acupressure is commonly used for treating specific musculoskeletal disorders. It is also effective in chronic stress-related disorders of the digestive, respiratory, and reproductive systems.

30 - 90 minutes

$40 - $120

Insurance may cover, check yours.

What is acupressure (Tuina)?

Acupressure is commonly used for treating specific musculoskeletal disorders. It is also effective in chronic stress-related disorders of the digestive, respiratory, and reproductive systems.

Basic hand techniques include the following:
Tui: To push
Na: To pull and drag
An: Rapid and rhythmical pressing
Tao: Strong pinching pressure
Nie: Kneading
Nien: Nipping
Moa: Rubbing
Pai: Tapping

Acupressure method samples: The rolling method emphasized soft tissue and specializes in joint injuries and muscle sprains. The one-finger pushing method emphasizes techniques for the treatment of internal diseases.

What are the benefits?

- Stress-related tension, sleep disorders, anxiety, and depression.
- Reduce the pain and discomfort of a sports injury or other injuries, relax the muscles and joints.
- Reduce digestive issues.
- Minimize headaches.
- Relax the muscles and joints.
- Improve sleep quality
- Release anxiety for people with chronic illnesses.

When should you not get a massage? 

- When you have an active fever;
- Inflammation in the skin or due to injury;
- Overly high blood pressure;
- Infectious disease;  
- Cancer involves radiation or chemotherapy;
- Have serious alignment issues of your spine;
- Have surgeries that may not be suitable of  acupressure.

What are the side effects of massage therapy?

Most common side effects:
Due to the pressurized techniques used in meridians and points, some people feel lingering pain after their therapy session or during the session.

History of acupressure

The first known Chinese acupressure therapy dates back to 2700 BC.  Acupressure therapy is one of the most commonly practiced forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine compiled with acupuncture.

Expand Reading

1. Effect of Chinese tuina massage therapy on resting state brain functional network of patients with chronic neck pain, by Zhang Huan and seven more, published on Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences. Link:

2. Tuina for functional constipation: a protocol for the systematic review of randomized clinical trials, by Congan Wang MD and six more, published online 2019 Mar 8. Link:

3. Tuina for functional constipation: a protocol for the systematic review of randomized clinical trials, by Xinghe Zhang MD, Tianpong Guo MD. PhD and five more, published online 2018 May 4. Link:

Brief History of Acupuncture:

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